The Human Brain and Mindset

The human brain is a complex organ that controls all of our body's functions. This includes everything from breathing to our thoughts and feelings. Our brains are susceptible, so they can be easily influenced by outside forces such as stress or marketing messages. 


Mindset is something that we all have to work on. We can't just hope for the best or expect things to be handed to us. If you are looking for a way of changing your mindset, then this blog post might help! The brain plays an essential role in our thoughts and actions, so it's good to know how it works - otherwise, we won't be able to change our mindset. In this blog post, I am going over what the brain is, what happens when we think about certain things differently, and how you can use your brain to change your mindset today!


What does the brain do?

The human brain is a pretty sophisticated organ that is the control hub for our body. It houses over 100 billion cells called neurons responsible for processing information and helps us feel, think, and create memories of our experiences, plus so much more. The system relies heavily upon this network because, without thinking centers, there would be no way to regulate emotions or direct attention to tasks at hand. 


Functioning at its best requires interaction between two structures: the cerebral cortex (responsible primarily for thinking) AND the subcortical forebrain, which manages emotional reactions such as fear responses.


The neurons are connected by neural pathways. These billions of interconnected junctions are connected by neural pathways that carry signals from one part to another in the nervous system, also known as a "passage." 


In the brain, neurons constantly shift from absorbing information from one area to processing it in another.


Think of this organ as a computer; the data (processing) is carried out by all these different parts working together to make one entire "machine." If you have ever taken apart a computer, you know what I mean. Many other components work together for one main piece of equipment.


The brain is responsible for how we think and feel. It's made up of neurons that connect with one another via neural pathways. These pathways begin to form the basis for what you believe as they become interconnected in your brain. These beliefs can then lead down a path that may not always be healthy.


When brain cells communicate frequently, the connection between them strengthens, and Psychologist Deann Ware, Ph.D., explains that "the messages that travel up through this pathway in our brains begin to transmit faster. With enough repetition, the action becomes automatic." These behaviors can quickly be done without thinking about it because we have formed neural pathways which become stronger with more use over time.


How our thoughts affect our emotions

We often think that our emotions are natural and uncontrollable, but this is not true. The way we talk to ourselves has a significant impact on what we're feeling. Something as simple as "I can't" versus saying "I don't know how yet" could mean the difference between failure and eventual success. When we constantly think about something in a particular way, eventually, our body reacts and assumes it to be true. In most cases, this process goes on unconsciously. This can create new neural pathways (or strengthen ones we don't want) that reinforce fear, doubt, uncertainty, anxiety, etc.


Being mindful can help change these automatic responses into more positive ones, such as gratitude or appreciation. It's the BEST thing you can do for your self-esteem and emotional well-being. Mindfulness, awareness of one's own thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and environment, focusing on present experiences as they occur in real-time without judgment.


Mindfulness is the best way to start this process because it gets you out of your head and into the present.


The role of the brain in mindset

Neuroplasticity is the ability of our brain cells to strengthen connections with each other when they communicate frequently. This allows us to learn, remember and adapt, but it also gives birth to new thoughts, both positive and negative. For example, suppose you constantly think about what you don't want (a lousy job - never seeing this person again). In that case, these thoughts will become stronger over time while other less frequent thoughts are weakened without any additional effort.


This can be used for good - if you want to learn something new or break an old habit.


A study carried out in 2012 showed that when people concentrated on their intentions (what they wanted), significant changes in their brains occurred. The scientists found neurons that represented the desired action (cooking dinner) were activated along with neurons in the frontal cortex, which is involved in planning complex cognitive activities. 


The way we think about ourselves, others, and life events define who we are as individuals. The key to success with anything is a positive attitude. This starts with a positive mindset towards yourself and those around you. A simple example would be someone thinking, "I am an intelligent person" vs. "I am not good at math."



The human brain is a fantastic organ that controls all of our body's functions. This includes everything from breathing to our thoughts and feelings. Understanding how the brain works will help you learn more about yourself and your own mindset, which will help you improve for future endeavors! If this article was helpful, then we would love it if you subscribed to our newsletter.


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