23 Growth Mindset Quotes

23 Growth Mindset Quotes

What is mindset? Simply put mindset is the way in which yourself and the world around you. Its a collection of beliefs that impact every aspect of your life.

If you take a look at the most successful people in the world they all do the same thing. They purposefully take control of their Mindset. This could be a growth, abundance, life journey, million or billionaire mindset.

You have the power to change your mindset once you decide.

In this article, we are going to take a look at 23 of the best mindset quotes and there meaning so you can be reminded of just how great you are. If you want you can achieve anything! 


23 Growth Mindset Quotes to Live By

1. The Only Limitations that exist are the ones you believe exist, @zenergyliving

Your beliefs really shape the way you view the world. If you believe you can accomplish something then you will have the perseverance to keep learning and pushing until you achieve it.

2. Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines, @Robert H. Schuller

Problems are not stop signs

Sometimes all you need to do is just look at things differently. Guidelines are not set in stone so neither are your problems. Seeing problems as guidelines can help you see that its just a temporary set back.

3. To Be A Champ. You Have to believe in yourself when nobody else will. @ Sugar Ray Robinson

To Be A Champ

Maybe you've been told you can't, or you won't. It doesn't matter as long as you believe, that is the power it takes to be a Champ

4. Those who don't jump will never fly, @Leena Almashat

Don't jump will never fly

The only real secret to seeing success however you define it is to first get started. If you don't take that first step you will remain where you stand

5. When you fail, that is when you get closer to success, @Stephen Richard

When you fail, you are closer to success

We need to change our relationship to failing. Just because you fail doesn't mean you are a failure. Actually, it means you are one step closer to success. The only thing we need to do is learn from the experience

6. The Best way to predict the future is to create it, @Abraham Lincoln

Best way to predict the future is to create it

Sometimes we feel as if we are not in control of our lives, so we spend time imaging things often negative. The only way to design our life is to take control with our thoughts and massive amounts of action.

7. When you must you can, @Carlotte Whitton

 When you must you can

Leave yourself no other option, and the one you choose is the one that will happen.

8. It always seems impossible until its done, @Nelson Mandela

Impossible until it's done

I can't tell you how many times I've felt something was impossible only to later achieve that very same thing. I've come to the conclusion that the difference between impossible and possible is knowledge and persistence.

9. The Only Thing Between Your And You Goals is You, @Zenergyliving

Only thing between you are your goals

Said another way, the only thing between you and your goals is your excuses! Its up to you to do what it takes to achieve your goals. No one else is responsible.

10. Nothing Is impossible. The Word Itself says 'I'm Possible', @Audry Hepburn

Impossible means i'm possible

This quote says it all and really is at the heart of mindset.

11. There's No such thing as failure. Only Results. @Tony Robbins

No such thing as failure

This is an excellent way to look at failure. We tend to want to classify everything we do as good or bad, success or failure. If you want to push past failure you must realize that you didn't fail, you just got results.

12. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him, @Mahatma Gandhi

Change ourselves change the world

Take two people who go through the exact same experience. How do you think they will react? No two people will react the exact same and it's because of the way we view these experiences.

Some take negatives and use them a fuel while others collapse under pressure. You see it's not the world that changes but the way you view it.

13. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent, @Eleanor Roosevelt

Make you feel inferior without your consent

No matter what someone says about you, the only way for it to effect you is if you let it.

14. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present. @Bill Keane

Today is a gift

The minute you start to view this moment as a gift is the moment that you begin to take control of your life. It's the moment you start to live in the now.

15. Everyday you get to decide if you are going to move forward, backwards or stand still, @zenergyliving

Everyday you decide

Your life is all about choice. You might not decide everything that happens to you, but you do decide how you react to it.

16. I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work, @Thomas A Edison

I have not failed, I found 10,000 things that don't work

This is all about mindset. Your failures do not make you a failure but they can make you a success once you are determined to succeed and learn from your mistakes.

17. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. @Albert Einstein

Imagination is more important

It's amazing what you can accomplish once you open your mind.

18. Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. @George Bernard Shaw

Life isn't about finding yourself

Everyday you are creating. The life you live today are because of the decisions you made yesterday. If you want change in your life then you need to do the actions today to lead to a better tomorrow.

You are not trying to find out who you are, your life is all about decided who you want to become and then creating that person.

19. What's the good of living if you don't try a few things? @Charles M. Schulz

what's the food of living if you don't try a few things

I am reminded of a wonderful question. Are you living or existing? To truly be living you must step outside your comfort zone and try new things.

20. Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it, @Maya Angelou

Ask for what you want

If you asked for it, you asked for it! If you want to be a leader then be prepared for the responsibility that comes with it.

21. If you want to be happy, be, @Tolstoy Leo

If you want to be happy, be

This quote is so simple but true. You decide how you want to feel and how you react. What is it you truly want. Go for that.

22. He that can have patience can have what he will, @Benjamin Franklin

He that can have patience can have what he will

All good things take time.

23. Believe you already have it and you will, @zenergyliving

Believe you already have it and you will

I have never met a successful person who didn't at some level believe in what they were doing. Doubt holds us back, beliefs keep us going.

Your first day of change!

You now have 23 powerful quotes to help shape your Mindset. If you want them to become a part of your life take the 30 day challenge. Each day come back to this page and read  each of the quotes and there meaning. If you can say them out loud and even better write them down using a paper and pen.

This might seem simple but little by little you will start to notice that your thoughts and actions will begin to change. Image how different your life would be if you took this challenge.


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