17 Positive affirmations for health and wellness

There is nothing more important in your life than your physical and mental health. One of the silent health killers is your mindset. Have you every thought you were going to get sick and then suddenly got sick? This is because our mindset impacts every aspect of our lives. Affirmations are one of the best tools to help develop a health mindset. They are so powerful because affirmations represent stories that we CHOOSE to tell ourselves. Studies have pointed that we have nearly 90,000 thoughts per day with over 95% of them being repetitive. Basically, the thoughts you think today will impact the thoughts you think tomorrow. Now, this is the real interest part, over 80% of these thoughts are negative! Imagine that you had a friend in your life saying negative things about your physical and mental health almost 70,000 times a day! How do you think you would feel? Now imagine that you had a friend who was constantly reminding you how healthy you are, what do you think you would accomplish in 1 year.

You can take control of your health with 17 simple sentences

This might sound ridiculous; how can 17 simple sentences change your life. I spent a lot of time researching and studying people who transformed their health. There was 1 word that summed up their success, belief! Each of them figured out that their entire life is controlled by their beliefs. Beliefs are the seeds that grow your mindset. If you have a belief that healthily food taste bad, or that working out is hard, or that the world is against you, ever since action you take will always be in alignment with that belief.

Take for example the belief that working out is hard. If you believe this, then instead of working out, you will avoid going to the gym and doing the work that you already know is required to get the results you truly want. You see your believe control your life by feeding your mindset. The best way to start to change your mindset is with affirmations. With the right affirmation you can start to believe that working out is fun. So yes, it still takes massive amounts of action, but with the right mindset all your actions will give you new results. This works for abundance, confidence, self love, and of course personal health.

Here is a list of 17 life changing Affirmations for health.  Use these to help change your mindset. Consider this food for the mind, and just like food you will need these everyday multiple times a day. I recommend saying these out loud everyday and anytime you realize you are having one of those repeating thoughts. Little by little you will start to notice a change and the massive actions you need to take will become second nature.

17 life changing Affirmations for health that will change your life

  1. I spend time each day working on my health mindset
  2. I love healthy food
  3. I spend time each day meditating and visualizing my healthy body and mind
  4. I love reading books about living healthy
  5. I love going to the gym
  6. I am strong
  7. I am powerful
  8. I see myself as pure light
  9. I am filled with healing energy
  10. My mind is filled with pure positive thoughts
  11. I feel good
  12. I am filled with joy and happiness
  13. The people around me fill me with positive energy
  14. I believe that every action I take will lead me to more health
  15. Good Health is my birth right
  16. Thank you for making today better than yesterday.
  17. Thank you for the power, health and Strength

Today is day one, challenge yourself.

Reading these affirmations is a good start but if you really want those results you need to live by them each and everyday. These 17 powerful affirmations will help shape your mindset so you can live the healthy life you dream. The best thing is, there really is no risk to trying. Imagine how different your life could look if you made a promise to say them each day for 1 year. Make today be the first day. 

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