15 Positive affirmations for confidence


If you have read any of our articles, I am sure you by now are realizing a theme. I am a big believer in how powerful our mindset can be. Affirmations are one of the best ways to change your mindset, especially if you are looking to build more confidence. If you don't know what an affirmation is, the easiest way to think of it is the stories we CHOOSE to tell ourselves. Try this experiment, for the next 20 minutes pay attention to your thoughts. Did you notice the dialog? Studies have shown that we have upwards of 90,000 thoughts per day with over 70,000 of these being negative and repetitive. That's almost 50 negative thought every single minute. Imagine you had a friend that said 50 negative things about you every single minute. This is how most people live and it becomes very hard to be confident. If you try to practice your Affirmations for confidence you will see just how fast your mindset changes.


"Your confidence is already inside your, you just need to believe it!"


This quote is simple yet so powerful, I truly believe that the confidence you are looking for is right inside you. The hardest part about being confident is to remember to do the things that build confidence everyday. I am sure you already know and believe that positive thinking and affirmations work. If you don't, spend a day and study the most confident people in the world. Every single one of them truly believed that everything first starts with your mindset. The best way to start to change your mindset is with affirmations. Yes, it also takes massive amounts of action, but without the right mindset all your actions will continue to give you the same results you are seeing right now! This works for personal health, abundance, self love, and of course confidence.


Here is a list of the 15 most powerful Confidence Affirmations that you can use to change your mindset. I recommend saying these out loud once a day everyday and anytime you realize you are having one of those repeating thoughts. Little by little you will start to notice a change and the massive actions you need to take will become second nature.


15 Confidence Affirmations that will change your life


  1. I spend time each day working on my confident mindset
  2. I surround myself with people and things that reflect my new confident mindset
  3. I love reading books that inspire me to become more confident
  4. I always take the right turn in the road
  5. I am Limitless
  6. I Create the Life I enjoy
  7. There are no obstacles only opportunities that I take full advantage of.
  8. I am becoming more Powerful and Successful each day
  9. I believe my mindset is the root of all the good in my life
  10. I am Powerful
  11. I am strong
  12. I am a Confident
  13. Thank you for the confidence
  14. Thank you for the unlimited power
  15. Thank you for the strength


What would your life look like 1 year from now?


You now have 15 affirmation that can help to shape your mindset. These affirmations only work if you put in the time and effort to say them each day. Imagine how different your life could look if you made a promise to say them each day for 1 year. Make today be the first day. 

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