23 Positive affirmations for self love


Self Love can be one of the hardest types of love to have. This is especially true because most of our thoughts are negative. Studies have shown that on average we have 50,000 - 70,000 negative thoughts per day. Imaging hearing someone saying negative things about you 70,000 times a day. Eventually, if you don’t now, you start to believe what they’re saying. Very hard to have self love right! This is how you mind, and your mindset works. Affirmations are an amazing tool that allows us to take control of the dialog. They let us choose the stories we tell ourselves. Imaging thinking thoughts about how amazing you are 70,000 times a day, for 365 days. How much better would you feel about yourself? If you try to practice these affirmations for self love, I promise after a year you will transform your life.


"You can learn to love others until you learn to love yourself first"


It’s hard to accept but very true. Without self love we often look to other people and things to fill the void we feel inside. Often, this is the wrong people and wrong things. The sad thing is that no matter what we do, until we have self love nothing will be able to fill this void. The minute we begin to understand the power and joy we have within; is the moment we understand how to express this to others. Our beliefs about ourselves form our mindset. If you study anyone who has healthy self loves, you will see that they all believe that mindset is everything. Mindset is the bridge between how you are and who you want to be. One of the best tools is affirmations. Yes, it also takes action, but with the right mindset the new actions you take will lead you to better results. This works for personal health, abundance, confidence, and of course self love.


Now that you know how important this is, lets look at 23 self love affirmations that you can use to change your mindset. I recommend saying these out loud once a day everyday and anytime you realize you are having one of those repeating thoughts. Little by little you will start to notice a change and the massive actions you need to take will become second nature.


23 Self Love Affirmations that you need in your life

  1. I spend time each day working on my self love mindset
  2. I wake up everyday feeling positive, healthy, and loved
  3. I spend time each day meditating in self love
  4. I love reading books that inspire me to become more confident
  5. I always take the right turn in the road
  6. I am an amazing person in everyway
  7. People love to be around me
  8. I am the image of perfection in everyway
  9. I am Limitless
  10. I am worthy of Love, Joy, and Happiness, it’s my birth right
  11. I am surrounded by people who bring me joy and Happiness.
  12. The people around me inspire me to bring out the best in myself
  13. I Create the Life I enjoy
  14. I inspire others to bring out the greatness in themselves
  15. There are no obstacles only opportunities that I take full advantage of.
  16. I am becoming more Powerful and Successful each day
  17. I believe my mindset is the root of all the good in my life
  18. I am Powerful
  19. I am strong
  20. I Love who I am and who I will become
  21. Thank you for the strength
  22. Thank you for the love
  23. Thank you for the people around me


Take 1 step a day and in a year, you will be surprised just have far you’ve gone


You now have 23 affirmation that can help to shape your mindset. These affirmations only work if you put in the time and effort to say them each day. Imagine how different your life could look if you made a promise to say them each day for 1 year. Make today be the first day. 

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