Meditation at Work

It can be very hard to find the time for Meditation, especially if you have a demanding job. But I'm sure by now you know how beneficial meditating can be for your life. Daily meditation has been shown to improving focus, sleep, help with anxiety and so much more. So, what can you do to fit meditation into your busy day? In this short article we are going to answer just that and provide you with a technique you can use today to help you fit meditation in everyday.


You always make time for the things that are most important too you.

I am no different that you. I kept finding it hard to do the things that I knew needed to be done. Until I found that quote. We always make time for the things that are most important too us. You see the problem isn't that you don't have time for meditation, the problem is that you think its not that important. But, meditation is shown to have so many benefits including improving focus. When I started to make time, I became more focused and was able to do more work with less time. The weird thing was that as I set aside the time, it stopped feeling like I had less time. I also noticed how much wasted time I had. How much time do you spend on your phone? By just putting down the pone for 15 minutes a day you can squeeze in some meditation.

But what if you really have no time? What else can you do? Well, if you truly can't find the time, there is a simple but powerful technique called Walking Meditation. Instead of sitting with your eyes closed, you can meditate while being fully awake, eyes open, doing what you do everyday. This can be done while walking, or even while working. I'd like to share with you a version of this meditation that I use all the time. I think you will enjoy.


The Perfect Walking Meditation You can use to fit your busy schedule.

Most of my meditations start with the breath because it's something we do naturally all the time without any thought. For this meditation we are going to do a simplified version. While you are walking, or sitting at your desk, start by taking 10 deep breaths. Breath in though your nose. Fill your lungs with as much air as possible. Hold for 3 seconds. Then release through you mouth while counting to 6 and hold for 3 seconds. Repeat until you have completed all 10 breaths. Don't worry if your mind wonders, just start again and go back to the breath. Once you are done go back to breathing at a comfortable rate. Anytime you feel you mind wondering, start the breathing again.

As you are walking, start to notice the different colours, shades and objects around you. You really want to notice everything. Look at a tree (if you are outside) and notice the different colours within the tree. The shape of the branches, the length of the tree, etc. Really focus on everything around you as if you are seeing it for the first time in True HD. Listen to the sounds around you. Focus on what sounds. Allow it to go through you. Notice the direction of the sounds. Is it coming from above, behind? Is it more in the left or the right side? What you are doing is focusing all your awareness in this very moment. Don't worry is your mind starts to wonder, just start back with the breath and continue. Once you feel a state of calm and when you are ready you can end the Walking Meditation. 

When I do this, sometimes I like to count the many different colours and shades I see. You'll be amazed at just how much you are missing when you are not in the moment. It takes a bit of practice but after time you will be able to focus all your awareness in this very moment. After all, the only thing that exists in now!


The Best Way to See Results, Is to Try!

Meditation can be done anywhere at anytime. The Walking Meditation is powerful yet simple the only thing it requires is a commitment to try. At first it may be hard because the mind loves to stay busy. But with practice you too can enter your meditative state even while you walk. The best way to see results is to give this a try for 1 month. It could be the one thing you do that makes all the difference in your life. I know it has in mine. Take the 30-day challenge, try for 30 days and see how you feel. Keep a journal at the start of the 30 days to track your progress. You will be amazed at what can happen after 30 days.


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