What is the point of meditation?

What is meditation?

To really understand what meditation is, Lets look at what meditation isn't. If you have already tried meditating, I bet you may find it frustrating. Believe me you are not alone. A lot of people think that the purpose of meditating is to no think. So, they think about not thinking and then can't stop thinking. Let’s do an experiment. I want you to not think about elephants. Guess what you just did, think about elephants. Trying to think about not thinking is the same. Our focus draws our attention. So, whatever draws our focus we tend to think about.

Meditation is when you dedicate some quiet time, away from all the distractions and chose what to focus on. A very powerful type of meditation is when you sit or lay down quietly and focus on your thoughts. The goal isn't to not think, just pay attention to what you are thinking in a non-judgemental way. Then direct your attention to your breath. Anytime your thoughts return, smile, and return to the breath. Try to do this once a day. Mediation is simple, fun, and healthy for you.

This History of Meditation

Meditation has been around for a very long time. Its roots have been tied to India with the oldest documented evidence found on wall arts dating back to approximately 5,000 to 3,500 BCE. The wall art show cased people seated in meditative postures with half-closed eye. This practice spread to other cultures and religions, evolving into several different types of meditation. Now there is an abundance of meditation techniques. 

Is meditation Good? 3 Scientific Benefits of Meditation

Several papers published on PubMed has linked several benefits to daily meditation. Meditation has been shown to improve sleep, reduce stress, and some studies are pointing to reversal of the aging process. In one study they found that people who meditated were able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. This was due to the reduction of the stress hormone leading to a release of tension.  The reduction of stress with meditation was shown to improve mental clarity which helps to fight age related memory loss. In addition, there is some evidence that meditation can help improve memory in patients with dementia.

3 Amazing Meditations you can use to improve your life

Improve Sleep Meditation

To do this meditation you will need to be lying down on your back in your bed, turn off all the lights, and remove any distractions including your cell phone. Place your left hand on your belly, and your right hand on your chest. Close your eyes and focus on breathing. The goal for the inhale is to make your left hand raise before your right hand, so breath deep into the belly. Hold for 3 seconds and then exhale. On the exhale you want to see the right-hand fall before the left hand. Picture yourself filling the lungs from the bottom to the top and emptying the lungs from the top to the bottom. Once you have finished the exhale, hold for 2 second and repeat.

You will want to repeat this for 15 minutes. If you start noticing thought in your mind, its ok, that just means its working. Smile and go back to the breath. You may notice that your breath starts to slow down which is normal. It just means that you are entering a state of calm.

Relax and Reduce Stress

This meditation will start like the first except you will need to be sitting down in a comfortable position. You don't need to have your legs crossed but if it's comfortable for you then you can. Start by focusing on the breath for 5 minutes. Each inhale and exhale should take a bit longer than the last. We are slowing the breath. Don't worry if you notice your thoughts, just smile and go back to the breath. Once you feel calm you are going to focus on your body. Start with the toes and put your attention on your toes. Gradually move up the body until you get to the crown of your head. Once you get to the crown of the head reverse and go back down until your attention is on your toes. You may feel tingling, warmth, maybe nothing. The important part is that your focus is on each of the body parts. After you make it back to the toes go back to the breath and continue the inhale and exhale until you feel like you are in a state of calm.

Visualize your goals

You can do this meditation either lying or sitting down. If it helps before you start this meditation, watch videos or look at pictures of things that represent your goals. It could be people working out if you want to be fit, Homes, Cars, or even a bank statement that was modified to have the amount of money you want to see.

Start with the breach just like the last 2 exercises. After about 5 minutes put your attention on your heart. Feel every heartbeat. Once you can really feel each heart beat you will start the visualization process. Image with great detail the life you want to live. Picture it like a 3D video game. If its a new home picture walking in each room, touching the new furniture, seeing friends and family. Get as much detail as possible. You need to see yourself in that life in the first person. Spend some time in there, just enjoy it, feel the feeling of gratitude. Spend as much time as you need, when you are ready focus back on the heart and then the breath. When you are ready open your eyes.

Take the 30-day Meditation Challenge.

The best way to realize the benefits of meditation is to practice everyday. Take the 30-day meditation challenge. Before you start write down on a piece of paper how you are feeling, and how you want to feel at the end of 30 days. Set aside 15 minutes each day. This could be right when you get up or right before you go to bed at night. Make sure the area is quiet, and dark and practice the breathing exercise we explained. After the 30 days are complete write down how you feel and compare the notes to the start of the challenge. You will be amazed at what 15 minutes a day can do.

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