How to Start Meditating?

In a previous article we discussed what meditation is , the benefits and how meditation can help with anxiety. In short, meditation is simply when you spend time to focus your awareness. This could be focusing on your breathing, focusing on different parts of the body, even focusing on your thoughts without any judgement. You are learning to train you awareness. Meditation is not meant to be complicated, or judgmental. It can come as natural as breathing. In this article we are going to give you 2 powerful but simple techniques to get you started. But, before we start, I would like to give you one tip. There is no right or wrong way to do meditation, there is only what feels good for you. This doesn't mean it won't take commitment. It also doesn't mean that it won't feel a bit uncomfortable at first. All it means is that with practice, you will discover what feels right for you.


Don't over think, you already know how to meditate.


You might think that meditation is the mystical thing only for the select few, or maybe you tried and just couldn't get the hang of it. Well I'll tell you a secret. Meditation is as easy or hard as you think it is. First, I need to explain one key concept. There is something called the busy or analytical mind. This is the part of you that has over 70,000 thoughts a day, most of which are repetitive. The busy mind likes to stay busy.


Let's do a quick test, try to sit for 10 min, with your eyes closed. Then become the observer of your thoughts. I want you to pay attention to what you are thinking. See if you get the urge to move, look at your phone, or open your eyes. Do you feel unsettled, like you must do something? How many times were you wondering how much time is left? How many different things did you think about? This is all your busy mind. What you think is difficult about meditation is just the busy mind at work. You goal with meditation isn't to silence the busy mind, it's to become aware so you can take back control. Its the busy mind that makes you think something is hard or easy. Once you learn to take control, you can redirect your thoughts towards what you want.


2 Simple Powerful Meditations to Try Today


           Focused Breathing Meditation


Before you start any meditation, it is always good to declare your intention. What's your one thing. So, start with this intention. This could be, to relax, to fall asleep, maybe you want to feel good, whatever it is, you just need to decide. Now that you have your meditation start by sitting on a chair or on the floor in a comfortable position. Try to remove any distractions including your cell phone.


Place your left hand on your belly, and your right hand on your chest. For the first 20 or so breaths keep your eyes open and focus on breathing. The goal for the inhale is to make your left hand raise before your right hand, so breath deep into the belly. Hold for 3 seconds and then exhale. On the exhale you want to see the right-hand fall before the left hand. Picture yourself filling the lungs from the bottom to the top and emptying the lungs from the top to the bottom. Once you have finished the exhale, hold for 2 second and repeat.


Next you want to slowly close your eyes while you continue to focus on the breath. Don't worry if your mind wonders, its ok, this just means its working. Smile and go back to the breath. You may notice that your breath starts to slow down which is normal. It just means that you are entering a state of calm. After about 15 minutes or whatever time you set rub your hands together fast creating heat, then place them over your eyes. Open your eyes with your warm hand on them and slowly remove your hands.


Body Scan Meditation


This is one of my favorite meditations. The start is very similar to the first exercise. Start by setting your intention and sitting on a chair or on the floor in a comfortable position. Remove any distractions. Place your left hand on your belly and the right hand on your chest. Keep your eyes open for 20 or so breaths and focus on breathing. Hold on the inhale and exhale for 3 seconds.


Slowly close your eyes while you continue to focus on the breath. Don't worry if you notice your thoughts, just smile and go back to the breath. Once you feel calm start to focus on your body. Start with your toes. Focus on the toes while you continue the steady breathing. Gradually move up the body through each part until you get to the crown of your head. Once you get to the crown of the head reverse and go back down until your attention is on your toes. You may feel tingling, warmth, maybe nothing. The important part is that your focus is on each of the body parts.


After you make it back to the toes go back to the breath and continue the inhale and exhale until you feel like you are in a state of calm. Again, after about 15 minutes or whatever time you set rub your hands together fast creating heat, then place them over your eyes. Open your eyes with your warm hand on them and slowly remove your hands.


You are 15 days away from a transformation with consistent meditation


In this article you learned 2 simple but powerful meditation techniques. The best way to realize the benefits of meditation is to practice everyday. I would like to challenge you to try meditating consistently for 15 days. I guarantee you will see even a small transformation in your life. Take the challenge. But before you start write down on a piece of paper how you are feeling, and how you want to feel at the end of the challenge. Set aside 15 minutes each day. This could be right when you get up or right before you go to bed at night. Make sure the area is quiet and practice the exercises. If you miss a day then start again from day 1. After you're finished, write down how you feel and compare the notes to the start of the challenge. You will be amazed at what 15 minutes a day can do.


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