How to start a meditation practice, 5 tips for success!

How to start a meditation practice, 5 tips for success!

Has the pandemic left you feeling stressed out and overwhelmed? Committing to a daily meditation practice could help boost your mental and physical health. With the informative articles about meditation and mindfulness from Zenergy Living, you’ll feel inspired to begin your own meditation journey! By following these tips, you’ll be ready to sit down and meditate on a daily basis, and you’ll experience all of the benefits of this habit.


Understanding the Benefits


If you’re not sure whether meditation is right for you, learning a little more about all of the benefits might motivate you to give it a try! According to Mindful, meditation can help improve your concentration, lower your stress levels, and even increase your feelings of compassion towards others. In the midst of this pandemic, these mental health benefits are significant.


Set Up a Meditation Space


Before you start meditating, it’s a smart idea to set up a special meditation space for your practice. Making an effort to turn your home into a clean, vibrant space can help you focus on your meditation practice. How can you inject some positivity into your home environment? Redfin suggests decluttering your home, deep cleaning each room, and letting some fresh air in! You may want to get a cushion for your meditation space, as well as incense. You could even decorate this space with art that you find calming.


Getting Started


It’s time for your very first meditation session! To begin, simply set a timer for five to ten minutes, sit down on your cushion in a cross-legged position, and breathe deeply while merely observing your thoughts rather than mulling on whatever happens to cross your mind. If you find that it’s difficult to avoid getting stuck on particular thoughts, you may want to download an app with guided meditation tracks. Listening to guided meditations can help you avoid feeling bored or distracted — having a teacher to talk you through the process never hurts!


Going Deeper


Once you have been meditating for several weeks, you may want to think about how you can take your practice further and make the most of your sessions. For instance, you could choose a specific affirmation to meditate on. You could also reflect on an intention that you want to set before meditating - this could be a great way to deepen your practice if you meditate every morning, as it would help you set goals for your day.


Complementary Practices


If you find that you enjoy meditating, and you want to take up more habits that will help you stay mindful and focused throughout the day, it might be time to incorporate some complementary practices into your daily routine. For example, you could purchase a notebook to use as a meditation journal. After every meditation session, you could spend some time writing about what you experienced, how you feel, and what you’re hoping to get out of future meditation sessions.


You might also be interested in trying yoga. You could meditate before or after doing yoga - you’ll be amazed by how relaxed you feel afterward! And if you find that you really enjoy yoga, you could sign up for classes at a studio after the pandemic ends.


During stressful times, meditation can help you cultivate inner peace. By meditating, you can clear your mind of troubling thoughts and let go of worries. When you establish a meditation practice, you grant yourself time each day to simply relax and step away from the trials of life.


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Written By April Meyers from

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