Daily Meditation

In another article we discussed what meditation is and the benefits. If you want to know more about meditation you can read our article on what meditation is and the benefits. In short, meditation is simply when you spend time to focus your awareness. This could be focusing on your breathing, focusing on different parts of the body, even focusing on your thoughts without any judgement.  In this short article I want to give you 2 meditations that you can use to have an amazing day.


There is no right way to meditate only what is right for you.

It took me a really long time to understand this. When I got started I had so many misconceptions about how to meditate and really though I was doing it wrong. So, don't worry if you feel the same because you're not alone. It's frustrating not knowing if you are doing it right. It took some time and study but finally I found the secret. Practice and experimentation. All it too was practice and a willingness to not be right, a willingness to let go and enjoy the process. The minute I did that, I found what worked best for me and you will too.

After I learned the benefits of meditation, I made it a practice to meditate everyday. Once in the morning and once before I go to bed. Now sometimes I miss a day or so, but I always come back to this. Meditating in the morning has helped me to have a clear and focused mind before I start my day. It's like having a good meal before the start of the day, a meal for the mind. Below are two of my favorite morning meditations.


2 Perfect Meditations to start your day

The Start of Each Meditation

Each of the meditations start off the same way. First you start with your intention. This is just the feelings you want to have for the rest of the day. Maybe calm, confidence, strength, whatever you want, set the intention before the meditation. Now that you move to the breath and then the exercise.

Sit in a comfortable chair or on the floor. You don't need to sit cross-legged unless it's comfortable for you. Turn off any distractions, and lights. Place your left hand on your belly, and your right hand on your chest. Close your eyes and focus on breathing. The goal for the inhale is to make your left hand raise before your right hand, so breath deep into the belly. Hold for 3 seconds and then exhale. On the exhale you want to see the right-hand fall before the left hand. Picture yourself filling the lungs from the bottom to the top and emptying the lungs from the top to the bottom. Once you have finished the exhale, hold for 2 second and repeat. Don't worry if you notice your thoughts, just smile and go back to the breath. You may notice that your breath starts to slow down which is normal. It just means that you are entering a state of calm.


1) Focused Meditation

Once you are in a state of calm, move your focus from your breath to a spot in-between your eyebrows. With all your attention focus on that area. With each breath imaging air being inhaled and exhaled from that point. Remember if the mind wonders don't worry, just go back to that spot. You may feel warmth, coolness, tingling or nothing. It doesn't matter what you feel just keep focusing on that area. Allow the breath to inter and leave. Do this for 15 minutes or as long as you need.


2) Powerful Visualization

Now that you are in a state of calm, we will start with the visualization exercise. First picture yourself in a forget surrounded by trees. Trees so tall that when you look up you can barely see the branches. With vivid detail look around you, notice the colours, the sounds, and everything that surrounds. Picture a beam of pure warm white light breaking down from between the trees. This light now hitting the top of your head. See the light, feel the warmth. As the light hits your body, see yourself becoming a part of the light. Your entire body is now changing to pure white light. Feel the energy, the power, the warmth. Hear the sounds, see everything the surrounds. As you breath in, say to yourself, "I see myself as light". As you breath out say, "I am filled with Power and Energy". Repeat this over and over. After 15 minutes or however long it takes, rub your hands together and place them over your eyes. Smile open your eyes and remove your hands.


Change only takes 15 minutes a day.

We say this often because we live it and believe it. If you want to see the benefits, then it will take commitment. Just imaging how different your life could be in 1 year if you did practice everyday. Take the 30-day challenge, try this for 30 days and see how you feel. Keep a journal at the start of the 30 days to track your progress. You will be amazed at what can happen after 30 days.


If you are looking for more ways to transform your life, check out the other mindfulness articles. Subscribe to our email list to receive new Mindfulness, Motivation and Mindset articles to help you become your best self. Subscribe today.

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