How to get into a creative mindset

Do you find that your creative side is on a hiatus? Do you have a time of day when you are more productive than others? Are there some days where it's just plain hard to get going and create something, no matter how much you want to? Creativity is a fickle thing. It can be hard to figure out how to tap into your creative side, and it can feel even more difficult when you're feeling unmotivated or uninspired. But there are plenty of ways that you can get creative! In this blog post, I'll share with you 12 ideas for getting into a creative mindset, from taking a break from work to searching for inspiration. With these tips in mind, I hope that my fellow creatives can start feeling inspired again. Let's get started!


1. Take a break from the project you're working on and do something else.

This is something that I struggle with every day because it always feels like if I'm not working on my current project, then time is being wasted. But taking a break from the project you're currently working on and doing something else is beneficial in more ways than one! Not only can it give you a much-needed mental break from your work, but it can also give you some new ideas that you wouldn't have thought of before. I know that I've gotten significant inspiration from doing something entirely different for a while before coming back to my project. It just helps me see it in a new light.


You can even work on something new. It's a great way to get into a creative mindset. It gets your mind thinking about new ideas and concepts. Inspires you to come up with something exciting and innovative and can really help you clear your head from whatever you've been stuck on for a while! It can also fuel ideas for your original project.


2. Do some light exercise, like going for a walk or doing yoga

I know that exercise isn't always the first thing to mind when you're feeling uninspired. But it can be a great way to get into a creative, relaxed mindset! Not only can physical activity feel very therapeutic, but it can also stimulate your brain. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel happier and more positive. These same chemicals are released when you have an idea or come up with a solution to a problem, so exercising can help trigger this state of mind!

It can also help clear your head from any mental cobwebs and make it easier to think more creatively! There are some days when I don't feel like doing physical activity. Still, I force myself to exercise on those days because afterward, I feel more inspired.


3. Go outside and take in your surroundings - this could include looking at nature, talking to people, or just sitting there and thinking about nothing.

The world around you is filled with inspiration. By taking the time to stop and look at your surroundings, you can really clear your head of whatever it is that's been blocking your creativity. Sometimes that means staring into space for a few minutes or finding some quiet place where you can think. No matter what, though, unplugging from technology for a little while is always a good idea! It will give your mind time to relax and let you see things from a different perspective.


4. Meditate for 10 minutes.

Meditation is super vital for achieving a creative mindset. It has so many benefits, like helping you relax and become more aware of your surrounding environment and yourself as a person. Meditation can also help you become less stressed and feel happier! All these things come together to make you view the world around you differently, which can give your creativity a much-needed boost. 


5. Drink coffee! (or tea) it's scientifically proven that caffeine can help with creative thinking.

Okay, this one is not very creative, but it's still essential because caffeine can get your brain working. The world loves coffee and tea! And even if you aren't a regular consumer of these beverages, they're delicious and just what you need to get into that creative mindset. Coffee gives you an extra dose of energy that will get your brain flowing with ideas. And even if you only have one cup, it's enough to get you started!


6. Get up early to get more done before the day starts.

For me, it's always better to get things done early in the morning because you have more time and energy, as well as a clear mind. That way, your creativity will come out on top! If you wait until later in the day, your creativity may suffer due to fatigue, making it hard to get into a creative mindset. 


7. Create a space for you to work in - set up your desk or table with everything you need.

The saying "show me someone's desk, and I will show you their mind!" is an exciting way to think about the importance of organization. It's no secret that an organized workspace is key to achieving a creative mindset. Clearing out distractions gives us more room for creativity because it clears away any mental cobwebs holding us back from getting creative. A clean desk allows for clearheaded creativity in everything we do at home or work- writing songs, painting, or coding websites.


8. Find inspiration from others - look at other people's work, read books about art and creativity, take classes, go on creative retreats.

You can never get too much inspiration! There are so many ways for you to find your inner creativity and learn from others. Whether it's reading about other artists, Websites, or YouTube videos from favorite creators - these things will give you creative juices a good kick start again. And if that doesn't work out? There are always online classes and communities where anyone who feels stuck can learn a new technique and meet other like-minded souls. Be creative with the way that you search for inspiration, and creativity will find you. 


9. Take care of yourself to stay healthy and have more energy for making things.

You get creative energy from sleep, healthy food, and exercise - it's that simple. When we get enough of these things, our brains get the fuel they need to get into a creative mindset. Just like a car needs oil to keep running smoothly and efficiently, our brains need sleep and the proper nutrients to process all the creative thoughts we get. 


10. Write down ideas when they come to mind because sometimes we forget them later on.

We get ideas from all sorts of places- a conversation, a book we read, a dream we had. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of them all, but the easiest way to get creative is to record those thoughts as soon as you get them. Whether your using a journal or note-taking app on your phone or computer, documenting ideas when you get them allows for later analysis of what's important to us. It also keeps us in a constant creative state of mind. If you don't write down your idea, it might get lost forever. So always remember to note things down!


11. Don't compare yourself too much because everyone has their own way of working creatively.

It's a bad habit to get down on ourselves for not being "creative enough" or comparing our artistic ability to others. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and what works for one person may not work for you. The key is finding out your best method by trying new things, reading books, and learning from whatever sources you can get your hands on. Every artist will be different, and that's what makes them unique!


12. Listen to music - it can get your creative juices flowing!

Music is a fantastic way to get yourself into a creative mindset. When I need some inspiration for my projects, I listen to our Chillout Beats Playlist, which helps clear my mind. The right music can get you into a creative mindset quickly and easily by evoking certain emotions or sensations that get your mind thinking. And it's not just for artists; everyone loves music no matter what they do!



I hope these tips will help you get your creative juices flowing. In the end, it's about doing what you enjoy and letting your creativity flow. Sometimes that may be by sitting down at a desk with a big cup of coffee. At the same time, other times, it might mean getting up from your chair and going for a walk outside or taking time out to watch one of those movies that really inspire you. Try something new and find out what gets you into a creative mindset. Have you tried any of these ideas? What did it do for you? Let us know in the comments below or on our social media channels. Share this blog post with a friend who might need some inspiration too!



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