Difference between growth and fixed mindset

Difference between growth and fixed mindset

Take a look at some of the most successful people in the world. Whether it be Entrepreneurs, Athletes, or Musicians, they all have one thing in common.

A Growth Mindset!

But what is a Growth Mindset? Simply put, if you believe that you have the ability to do or achieve anything with persistent learning and hard work, You have a Growth Mindset.

In this article, you are going to discover if you have a Growth or Fixed Mindset, so you can begin to change your mind and achieve your goals.


So what is mindset anyway?

Your mindset is what makes you who you are. It’s that inner voice in your head that speaks to you on a daily basis telling you a story about yourself. It determines how you feel and what you ultimately believe is possible.

Your mindset affects the way in which you view the world.

Let's use money as an example to explain this.

Suppose you tell yourself that it is difficult to become a millionaire. This is called a Limiting Belief which is essentially something that you believe to be true that limits you in some way.

Most beliefs are formed from our early childhood and we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs.

If you believe money is difficult to make, perhaps you've gone through life watching those around you struggle with money. Chances are, you have not been exposed to many wealthy people.

This belief becomes deeply rooted and becomes an ideal that shapes your world and the decisions you make. It becomes part of your subconscious and is true to you. This "truth" would then start to hold you back from the life you desire, if your goal is to become wealthy.

So, if you're not where you want to be in your life, you need to pay closer attention to your mindset. The key to unlocking more success and ultimately more happiness is a growth mindset.


A Real Life Example of a Growth Mindset: Negative Feedback from your boss

Let's say you walk into work and your boss calls you into her office for a private discussion. She tells you that the project you are working on is just not up to par and that you could be doing a better job.

If you have a fixed mindset, you might beat yourself up for the entire day, or may think of your boss as the problem. You may feel that you are being unfairly treated and may even spend the rest of the day complaining about it.

However, if you have a growth mindset, you would take this opportunity to self-reflect. You might seek constructive feedback and advice on what you can do better.

You would think of this as a learning opportunity, a chance to improve your skill set and become stronger.


Do I have a fixed or growth mindset? 

Let's find out if you have a fixed or growth mindset. This journey of self-discovery is the first step to changing your beliefs and achieving your goals.


Take the Mindset Test

Below are 7 questions to help you determine whether you have a growth or a fixed mindset.  

Take the Quiz

1) You can learn new things but you can’t become more intelligent.

a) Strongly Agree (0)
b) Agree (1)
c) disagree (2)
d) strongly disagree (3)

2) The amount of mistakes that you make determines your level of intelligence.

a) Strongly Agree (0)
b) Agree (1)
c) disagree (2)
d) strongly disagree (3)

3) Talent is something you’re born with. Not something you can develop.

a) Strongly Agree (0)
b) Agree (1)
c) disagree (2)
d) strongly disagree (3)

4) Only a few people will be truly good at sports, you have to be born with the ability.

a) Strongly Agree (0)
b) Agree (1)
c) disagree (2)
d) strongly disagree (3)

5) Truly smart people do not need to try hard.

a) Strongly Agree (0)
b) Agree (1)
c) disagree (2)
d) strongly disagree (3)

6) I often get angry when I get feedback about my performance.

a) Strongly Agree (0)
b) Agree (1)
c) disagree (2)
d) strongly disagree (3)

7) You are a certain kind of person and there is not much that can be done to change that.

a) Strongly Agree (0)
b) Agree (1)
c) disagree (2)
d) strongly disagree (3)

8) The harder you work at something, the better you will be.

a) Strongly Agree (3)
b) Agree (2)
c) disagree (1)
d) strongly disagree (0)

Score Chart

16-24 = Strong Growth Mindset
11-15= Growth with some fixed tendencies
5-10 = Fixed with some growth tendencies
0-4= Strong fixed mindset


Change Your mindset and change the way you view the world

Your mindset is what you use to analyze and interpret the world around you. Although it may seem like the world's most successful people are born with exceptional talents and intelligence, this is almost never true.

They become great at something with hard work, persistence, and many times, pain and suffering.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. After taking the quiz, you are now aware of whether you have a fixed or growth mindset. Don't beat yourself up if the quiz revealed a fixed mindset.

The good news is that it is fully within your ability to change, as long as you are committed to the journey.

If you want to discover how, or are looking for more ways to transform your life, check out the other articles on our website.

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